Professor David Gilchrist has worked in and around the human services sector for 30 years. He has held executive roles in, consulted to and been part of the governance team of various charitable human services organisations including in disability services, aged care and child protection. In all of these areas, David has contributed to policy and practice. Prior to joining the Academe, he was assistant auditor general for Western Australia and has taught at London School of Economics and Portsmouth University in the UK, and Curtin University and Edith Cowan University here in Australia. He was national associate dean of the business school at Notre Dame where he was also adjunct professor of Not-for-profit leadership.
David has researched in the areas of nonprofit sustainability, economics and governance and has written over 100 industry reports and papers focusing on key issues related to the sector. David was made a Fellow of the Parliament of Western Australia in 2021 and received a Meritorious Service Award from Chartered Accountants Australian and New Zealand in 2024.